Why is My Tiktok Sound Not Working? Fix Tiktok Audio Issues

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Written By Esrat Jahan

I write about my tech experiences to help those going through the same.

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If your TikTok sound is not working, there are two possible fixes: first, check if the app has permission to access your device’s microphone and audio settings; second, make sure you have the latest version of TikTok installed on your device.

Possible Reasons For Tiktok Sound Issues

Experiencing sound issues on TikTok? There are a few possible reasons why your TikTok sound may not be working. Check if the app has permission to access your device’s microphone and audio settings, update the app to the latest version, or try uninstalling and reinstalling TikTok to resolve any software glitches causing the sound problem.

App Permissions

If you are facing sound issues on TikTok, one possible reason could be that the app does not have the necessary permissions to access your device’s microphone and audio settings. Without these permissions, the app may not be able to capture or play sound properly.

Outdated App Version

Another reason for TikTok sound issues could be an outdated app version. It’s important to make sure that you have the latest version of TikTok installed on your device. Updating the app can often resolve any bugs or glitches that may be causing sound problems.

Weak Internet Connection

Weak internet connection is a common culprit for audio issues on TikTok. If you are experiencing sound delays or no sound at all, it could be due to your mobile device having trouble connecting to the internet. It’s recommended to check your internet connection and try using TikTok on a stable network to see if the sound issues persist.

Why is My Tiktok Sound Not Working? Fix Tiktok Audio Issues

Credit: www.tiktok.com

Troubleshooting Tiktok Sound Problems

Experiencing sound problems on TikTok? Start by checking if the app has permission to access your device’s microphone and audio settings. Updating the app to the latest version and reinstalling it can also help resolve sound issues.

Troubleshooting TikTok Sound Problems

Check App Permissions

One of the reasons why your TikTok sound may not be working is due to app permissions. Ensure that TikTok has the necessary permissions to access your device’s microphone and audio settings. Without these permissions, the app may not be able to capture or play sound.

Update Tiktok App

Keeping your TikTok app updated is crucial for ensuring optimal functionality. Make sure you have the latest version of TikTok installed on your device. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements, which could potentially resolve any sound issues you may be experiencing.

Uninstall And Reinstall Tiktok

If updating the app doesn’t work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling TikTok. This method often resolves any software glitches or bugs causing the TikTok sound not working issue. Follow these steps to uninstall and reinstall TikTok:

  1. Go to your device’s settings.
  2. Find the TikTok app and select it.
  3. Tap on the option to uninstall the app.
  4. Once uninstalled, visit your device’s app store.
  5. Search for TikTok and reinstall the app.

By uninstalling and reinstalling TikTok, you give the app a fresh start, potentially resolving any sound problems you encountered.

Fixing Specific Sound Issues On Tiktok

Are you experiencing sound issues on TikTok? It can be frustrating when your TikTok videos lack sound, preventing you from fully enjoying the app’s audio-visual experience. However, there are specific steps you can take to fix sound issues on TikTok. In this section, we will discuss three common problems and their solutions.

Switch From Business To Personal Account

If you have a TikTok business account, it may be the reason why you are experiencing sound issues. Business accounts usually have limitations on using music or sound clips in videos. Luckily, switching to a personal account is easy:

  1. Open the TikTok app and go to your profile page
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu at the top right corner
  3. Select “Manage account”
  4. Choose “Switch to Personal Account”

Grant Necessary Permissions

TikTok needs access to your device’s microphone and audio settings to capture and play sound. If the app doesn’t have these permissions, it may result in sound not working:

  • Go to your device settings
  • Find the TikTok app in the list of installed apps
  • Ensure that microphone and audio permissions are enabled

Check Volume Settings

It may seem obvious, but sometimes the solution to the sound issue lies in checking your volume settings. Here’s what you can do:

  • Make sure the volume on your device is turned up
  • Ensure the TikTok app’s volume is not muted
  • If using headphones, check if they are properly connected and working

By following these three steps, you can resolve specific sound issues on TikTok and enhance your overall experience on the app. Whether it’s switching from a business to a personal account or granting necessary permissions, these solutions should help bring back the sound to your TikTok videos!

Why is My Tiktok Sound Not Working? Fix Tiktok Audio Issues

Credit: m.youtube.com

Why is My Tiktok Sound Not Working? Fix Tiktok Audio Issues

Credit: www.alphr.com

Frequently Asked Questions Of Why Is My Tiktok Sound Not Working? Fix Tiktok Audio Issues

Why Is My Tiktok Sound Not Working?

If your TikTok sound is not working, here are a few possible solutions: 1. Check app permissions: Make sure TikTok has permission to access your device’s microphone and audio settings. 2. Update the app: Install the latest version of TikTok on your device.

3. Weak internet connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection, as it can cause audio delays or issues. 4. Switch account type: If you have a business account, you may not be able to use music or sound clips.

Switch to a personal account if needed. 5. Reinstall the app: If all else fails, try uninstalling and reinstalling TikTok to resolve any software glitches.

Why Is Tiktok Messing Up My Audio?

TikTok may mess up your audio due to app permissions or an outdated version. Ensure that TikTok has access to your device’s microphone and audio settings. Update the app to the latest version. Weak internet connections or app glitches can also cause audio delays.

Consider uninstalling and reinstalling the app if the issue persists.

Why Is My Tiktok Not Letting Me Use Sounds?

If your TikTok is not letting you use sounds, check your app permissions and make sure TikTok has access to your device’s microphone and audio settings. Also, update the app to the latest version. If you have a business account, switch to a personal account to use music or sound clips.

You can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app if these steps don’t work.

How Do I Get My Tiktok Sound Back?

To get your TikTok sound back, follow these steps: 1. Check app permissions and make sure TikTok has access to your device’s microphone and audio settings. 2. Update TikTok to the latest version. 3. If the issue persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling TikTok.

4. Make sure your volume is turned on and not muted. 5. If none of these steps work, it may be a recording issue.


To fix Tiktok audio issues and get your sound working again, start by checking the app permissions and ensuring that Tiktok has access to your device’s microphone and audio settings. Additionally, make sure that you have the latest version of Tiktok installed on your device.

If these steps don’t solve the problem, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app to eliminate any software glitches or bugs. Remember to check if your device’s volume is turned on and if the audio was properly recorded when filming the video.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix any Tiktok sound problems.

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